

The information provided on this site is accurate at the date of publication so far as Lingrain is aware, but is of a general nature only and is not intended to address specific issues or to be a complete source of information. Visitors should seek specific advice before acting on information contained in this site. Whilst every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained on this site, errors can occasionally occur. Lingrain cannot accept any responsibility for any reliance upon such information, any omissions or any subsequent loss or damage.


In addition, Lingrain cannot accept any responsibility for information obtained from other sites to which this site links. The information on this site is for the use of UK based users only and is subject only to the laws of the United Kingdom. Lingrain reserves the right to refuse to register applicants.


Lingrain reserves the right to amend, update or withdraw any information on this site without prior notice. All images and content on this site is a copyright of Lingrain and must not be reproduced without the express permission of Lingrain. Such permission may be obtained by emailing with details of proposed usage.


You are strongly advised to contact Lingrain directly where more detailed information is needed on 01205 353355.